Customer case


• Husqvarna’s customers needed a system to improve machine use and workers’ safety.
• Combiq AB has developed a sensor that is mounted on Husqvarna’s products, such as riding mowers and chainsaws. When the products are used, data is stored in the sensor as time for use and speeds.
• With the data collected, the service life of the machine can be improved. Statistics can also help operators improve their operational skills to reduce fuel consumption. Both the operator and Husqvarna benefit from the information
And, for example, can schedule a quick service according to the service plan.
• We have been involved in the development work since the start in 2007.
• Fleet Services is today an essential part of Husqvarna’s extensive service offer.

Renz – Electronic Real Estate Boxes

A digitized delivery of mail and packages in a modern urban environment is a real challenge. This project starts long before e-commerce had the impact we see today.
The need for an intelligent way of dealing with the extradition of packages and mail grows with every day when e-commerce and the need for home deliveries increased considerably. Renz, former Combiplate AB delivers smart mailboxes in all possible configurations that
Fits different housing solutions. The system uses RFID to assign a mailbox of the desired size for each delivery. This gives the system flexibility because the receiving party has only access to a mailbox when needed and never needs to worry about size problems. CombiQ has been involved in the development of this system, including software, antennas and wireless communication.
The result was a newly enhanced solution that streamlined mail and package management and has been a pioneer for the solutions available on the market today.